The uniqueness of all the world's precious metals, only gold combines the four basic characteristics that make it a universally and eternally treasured possession:
Yellow, pink, green and white golds - each exquisite in its own right. There is always fashion acceptance of all colors and color combination of gold. One of today's trends features combining colors of gold - yellow, white and pink - in jewelry.
Rarity - Although gold is everywhere around us - in the earth's crust, in our seas, rivers and plants - the difficulty and expense of obtaining gold from these diverse sources makes recovery of any great amounts unlikely.
This rarity alone is enough to bestow a certain symbolism of status to gold. Now, combined with its other inherent characteristics, this lustrous and beautiful metal becomes an even more desirable possession.
Today, when you buy gold jewelry, you are buying enduring beauty. Reflecting the properties of the precious metal itself, a gift of gold has always been the symbol of lasting love and devotion.
Ease of Workability - Gold has the best working qualities of any metal, thereby making it the ideal precious metal for fine jewelry whose designs are meant to reflect and appeal to so many different personalities.
It is gold's workability that enables it to be alloyed with the other special precious metals to produce special effects or to achieve variations of color.
Gold can be re-melted and used again and again. And, gold works for everyone. From the most intricate baby bracelet to the heaviest man's chain, gold's workability gives it the ability to achieve the look and the feeling of importance.
Such interesting things about gold! Thank you for sharing them.
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